I have been diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosis, please advise? - what are the stages of lichen planus
I have MS since 1981, now I'm in the secondary progressive phase, and come with wheels. They are specialists in the last 3 years, no cancer. What can I expect?
A hysterectomy in 1987, the year 1983, as a mother had been sterilized MS. Discovery subsequent visit to Poland as a sister of the father also had MS.
To float from 1983 - 2003, at least 5 times per week and 20 lengths each time. Life has certainly changed, and I am sad to lose my independence.
What Are The Stages Of Lichen Planus I Have Been Diagnosed With Lichen Sclerosis, Please Advise?
1:30 PM
Lichen sclerosus is a disease that mainly the skin of the vulva and penis to men. It is more common in middle-aged women. Symptoms are affected itching, pain and changes in the appearance of the skin. Treatment with a cream or ointment to relieve the symptoms often steroids.
Lichen sclerosus is a skin disease is very rare. What is lichen sclerosus, but is now often only as lichen sclerosus.
Lichen sclerosis affects mainly the skin, vulva (genitals) of women. Less often affects other areas of the skin. It can occur at any age, but most often develops in middle-aged women. It is estimated that lichen sclerosus affects about 1 of every 1,000 women, but more often than some mild cases are not diagnosed.
Please read the following link:
http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/2306908 ...
Hope it helps.
Gosh - you had a bad time. My mother suffered from lichen sclerosis in the mouth of a number of years. It was very painful and treatment of your doctor does little to provide relief. After several years I will be interested in homeopathy and encouraged to see a doctor. She did not have a problem because in the last 15 years, since the homeopathic treatment when she suffered from for 10 years. There is no magic bullet to solve this homoeopathie condition - that the proper remedy for the person with the problem. I am sure that if you are a doctor who can help you to see an improvement in their symptoms of MS but also to be found. Contact the society of homeopaths to see a doctor on site, the United Kingdom. Best wishes - I hope you feel better soon.
This seems bad. More details? I know very little.
I wish you the best.
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